Football Celebrity News: Cristiano Ronaldo claims he and Mayorga had 'consensual sex' and afterwards went back to the nightclub
The new story developing under the rape allegation leveled against Portuguese superstar Cristiano Ronaldo claims that Ronaldo says he and Kathryn Mayorga had "consensual sex" and afterwards "returned to Rain nightclub and spent several hours together".
Kathryn Mayorga claimed she was raped by Ronaldo in the early hours of June 13, 2009 and that later Ronaldo paid her off to the tune of $375k which Ronaldo has repeatedly denied.
In a statement made by Ronaldo's US representative attorney Peter S Christiansen, he said:
"To absolve any doubt, Mr Ronaldo has always maintained, as he does today, that what occured in 2009 in Las Vegas was consensual in nature.
"While Mr Ronaldo does not deny the existence of the mutual agreement and release, his motivations for agreeing to that resolution have been twisted to say the least"
"Far from any admission of guilt or any ulterior motive, Mr Ronaldo was advised to privately resolve the allegations against him in order to avoid the inevitable attempts that are now being made to destroy a reputation that has been built upon hard work, athleticism and honour."
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